The Advisory board

OWIT UK Advisory Board

Members of the OWIT UK Advisory Board bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the UK Chapter which will develop throughout the UK. 

They will help to contribute to the agenda pushing forward women in international trade and assist in the development of OWIT UK. 

The main role of the Advisory Board is to act as a sounding board; to provide insights, market intelligence, contacts, expertise, support and advice to the OWIT UK Executive Boards.  It is an advisory-only body and does not make decisions in its own right. 

Specific Advice

The Advisory Board provides specific advice and support to OWIT UK on:

But also

It therefore assists in establishing and enabling:

Composition of the Advisory Board

The OWIT Advisory Board will comprise a Chairman and up to 6 Advisory Board Members (Members). Members are invited to the Advisory Board for a specific term of two years, which may be renewed by mutual agreement. The Advisory Board Chairman is selected in consultation with the OWIT UK President. Roles are voluntary and members are not remunerated. Members are recognised and acknowledged on the website, communication channels and during activities and events.

Members agree to endeavour to:

  • Advance the goals of OWIT UK and OWIT International
  • Advise on the broader development of OWIT UK, within the UK and internationally;
  • Engage, prepare, attend, promote and participate in activities whenever possible.

Roles & responsibilities of the Advisory Board Members

  • All meetings are held under ‘Chatham House’ rule and members agree not to represent publicly the views of OWIT UK or OWIT internationally.
  • The Advisory Board will meet up to (four) times a year. Meetings will be held on face to face, and/or as a virtual meeting. Agreed action points will be circulated following each meeting.
  • The Advisory Board is apolitical; it has no legal responsibilities nor do its individual members have any legal or financial liability. It meets as an informal Board and they will not be required to observe legal formalities for meetings. 
  • Members have no liability whatsoever for the actions or activities of OWIT UK, its members, partners or associates. Members have no formal authority or power within OWIT UK, nor within any aspect of its operations

Primary purpose

Advise on the overall strategy and direction of OWIT UK.

Help establish and develop OWIT UKs relationships with the business community, networks, strategic partnerships and trade organisations, academia, Government and NGOs, within the UK and internationally.

Act as a sounding board for new ideas and developments and provide appropriate and constructive challenges to the assumptions and operating routines of OWIT UK.

Drive forward membership by acting as ambassadors within their own sphere(s) of influence.

The Advisory Board will advise on potential events and relevant areas of focus as well as specific and pertinent issues that can impact or influence the OWIT chapters in the UK.